Redefining The Female Bodybuilder

Redefining The Female Bodybuilder
Female Bodybuilder
Female Bodybuilder
Female bodybuilding needs to be redefined for the modern woman.
Female Bodybuilder
Female Bodybuilder
If your goal is to build muscle, you are a bodybuilder, even if you don't compete.
Female Bodybuilder
Female Bodybuilder
Early female bodybuilders, like Rachel McLish, had enviable physiques. Sadly, drugs ruined the image of bodybuilding for many women, and scared a generation of them out of the squat rack.
Female Bodybuilder
Female Bodybuilder
Bodybuilding is building the body. Literally. Women need to stop pussyfooting around with nonsense words like "toning."
Female Bodybuilder
Female Bodybuilder
Serious female lifters are tired of getting asked what they're training for. They're training to build muscle, look and feel great, and challenge themselves.
Female Bodybuilder
Female Bodybuilder
