Workout Program to Get Ripped!

Workout Program to Get Ripped!
If you've been looking for some workout programs to get ripped, you've just found what you're looking for. Profiled below you'll find a workout that's set up in a circuit training format. If you're unfamiliar with circuit training, I'll tell you this - it's the absolute best way to shed body fat and well, basically get ripped!
The concept behind circuit training is to blend cardio with strength training. This is accomplished by performing your exercises in a back-to-back format without a rest period in between each set. Only once all the exercises in the "circuit" have been completed will you get a couple minutes to rest and regroup.

The purpose of eliminating the rest periods - aside from the obvious cardiovascular benefits - is to increase the accumulation of lactic acid, which is a by-product of anaerobic metabolism. As lactic acid levels increase, growth hormone is secreted from the pituitary gland and growth hormone, as one of its functions, promotes fat burning by transporting the fatty acids into the mitochondria for oxidization.
A lot of fancy words I know, but all you need to know is that circuit training helps you burn more fat. So now that we've established that, we can get right to the workout program.
Workout Program To Get Ripped
Note: I don't expect you to know what these exercises are, let alone how to perform them properly so at the bottom of this article, you'll find a link to a site that provides step by step instructions and video demonstrations.
Bench Step Ups
Push Ups
Barbell Squats
Pull Ups
Straight Leg Dead Lifts
Once all 5 exercises are completed (12 repetitions per set), you can take a 90 second rest.
Complete that circuit 3 times before moving onto this next one..
Standing Overhead Dumbbell Press
Standing Dumbbell Curls
Lying Dumbbell Extensions
Seated Medicine Ball Twists
Lower Back Extensions
Once again, you're performing 3 sets of each exercise and 12 repetitions per set. 
Take a 90 second rest only once you finish the circuit.
